Act-Play-Game Lab

Act-Play-Game lab

The Act.Play.Game Lab @ TILabs is dedicated to researching theatrical creative processes, including acting and embodying characters, directing, and design. By developing virtual experiences and pedagogical games that simulate theatrical processes – researchers, students, and the public will be able to experience the theatre from within. 

Acting, playing, and gaming are three interrelated aspects of human creative and playful tendencies that are fundamental to the art of theatre. In light of the increasing presence of virtual worlds in daily life, the study of theatre through advanced technologies is necessary for performance research (actor/character relations) and applicable to a wide range of virtual platforms.  

Acting refers to the embodiment of a fictional character by a live human being (the actor, the avatar), role-playing, and decision-making or taking action in the world (as dramatic characters in plays do). 
Playing refers to playing a character (as in acting) as well as to the playfulness that is part of a variety of human activities including games, fictional “as if” situations, creative processes, the use of imagination, and more. Gaming and games are related to theatre as a social arena in which participants create and perform in fictional worlds.    



Laboratory Leader: Prof. Sharon Aronson-Lehavi

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