Research & Laboratories
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TAU Innovation Labs (TILabs) is a new center which focus on the development of groundbreaking research with potential applicability within 3-7 years.
The center’s financial approach is based on the industry taking on a significant part of the funding of the research, out of foresight and in a format that involves “Club membership” that confers product development rights.
TILabs has unconventional thinking when it comes to IP rights. Under the TILabs model, all donors supporting the research will receive the rights to use the products of the research.
The selection of research topics is being carried out in consultation with industry and public bodies (e.g. hospitals) who will expose the researchers to their actual needs and pains.
The model of this applied research is different from traditional basic research, which focuses on the interests of the researcher, without necessarily thinking about immediate needs. At the same time, however, while the center will focus on the applicable aspect of the research, this will not detract from the outstanding basic research that is taking place at the university. This fundamental research has been and will remain the bulk of the university's scientific research. Furthermore, faculty members at the new center will continue to be an integral part of their “mother” faculties.
Look who started their journey with us
- Prof. Noam Shomron, Digital Medicine Lab
- Prof. Goren Gordon, Robotic Augmentation Lab
- Prof. Michal Feldman, Computational Economics Lab
- Prof. Niva Elkin &Prof. Assaf Hamdani, Algorithmic Governance Lab
- Prof. Sharon Aronson Lehavi, Act-Play-Game Lab
- Prof. Daniel Cohen Or & Dr. Amit Bermano, Computer Graphics Lab
- Prof. Tali Hatuka, IN4.0 Urbanism Lab
- Prof. Amir Globerson, AI Lab
- Prof. Hadas Mamane, Environmental Sustainability Lab
- Prof. Bat-El Pinchasik, Bioinspired Robotics Lab