

TILabs is unique center redefines the interface between academia and industry. The academic freedom to create and innovate on the one hand, and the desire for research that has practical applicability on the other, has led to a center that brings together innovation labs dealing with a variety of topics and actors such as industry, hospitals and government agencies. Our unique commercial and funding model and our selection of unconventional innovation labs is leading to the close engagement of the center’s partners that will relay the academic innovation to those who will implement it. 



Partners Benefits


  • Participating all TILabs close events.

  •  The right to see all TILabs outcomes subject to NDA.

  • Mentioning company name in all TILabs public documentation.

  • The right to nominate a researcher in TILabs in dual employment.

  • The right to use all TILabs outcome following the guideline.

  • Proposing changes to specific laboratories.

  • Optional complimentary sponsored research activity for achieving exclusive licensing items.



How Does It Work?


To The Full Picture







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