Algorithmic Governance Lab

Algorithmic Governance Lab

Within the legal system and elsewhere, algorithms increasingly make decisions with significant economic, legal and social implications. This development and especially the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) and block chain technology, is challenging established legal norms. It requires policymakers to rethink the traditional legal rules that govern data and digital innovation. 

The Algorithmic Governance Lab will facilitate multidisciplinary research to explore the ways in which emerging technologies should reshape legal institutions. The lab will further promote collaborative research aiming at harnessing innovative technologies to tackle legal and regulatory challenges while safeguarding social values and fundamental rights.

The lab will cooperate with legal academics, government officials and industry to identify challenges raised by the use of AI-based algorithm and to develop for a comprehensive approach to address such challenges, consisting technical and legal tools. 


Laboratory Leaders: Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren & Prof. Assaf Hamdani

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