Operationalizing Responsible AI Congressional Workshop

From Operationalizing Responsible AI

Operationalizing Responsible AI Congressional Workshop

As AI becomes prevalent in many aspects of our lives, it's crucial to ensure that AI driven systems align with our societal values. A key factor in achieving this is how AI systems will be governed and regulated. Effective AI governance and regulation is challenging: open-ended legal and ethical concepts such as "fairness" or "privacy" must be transposed to concrete design specifications. This task requires “Responsible AI literacy” - an understanding of how AI systems are developed and deployed, and how design choices throughout the system life cycle affect legal, ethical and normative outcomes.

During the workshop, participants will enhance their Responsible AI literacy and develop their skills to conduct an effective and critical dialogue with relevant experts.

The workshop consists of three interactive, hands-on sessions where participants engage in teamwork, designing and analyzing AI systems and discussing real-world scenarios to develop a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between AI design choices and ethical and legal implications.

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